No matter where you are in the world, the holiday season is beginning. It often seems that the commercialism of the season overwhelms all the other sentiments. Today’s episode is about opening up to the energy of giving and receiving.
Patty reviews the 5 rules of receiving with respect to the holidays.
Rule 1 – Receive Everything
Everything isn’t always going to go the way we plan. We know life is like that. What if this year you planned three specific memories that are important to you this season? Identify them, and plan for them. Tell the Divine what is important to you, so you get the support you need.
Rule 2 – Receive Yourself Fully
Put some time on the calendar so you can be alone with yourself. This can be something fun like a spa day, but it can also be 20 minutes when you take time to read a book, or listen to music. Acknowledging to yourself, that you have needs is a first step to receiving them.
Rule 3 – Clear Space to Make Space
Understand what you want you space to be like. Are you a big decorations person or do you prefer a minimal look with a few special touches? Take a bit of time to really understand what makes you happy. Make space in your world for the things that really bring you joy.
Rule 4 – Learn Your Language
Learn to hear your intuition. Quite time helps with this. You can also set up a ceremony during the winter equinox as a time to honor your loved ones who have crossed. Hear the process that Patty uses. It’s something anyone can make their own.
Rule 5 – Do your 100 percent
Do your part and hand the rest to the Divine. For the holidays, Patty shares that it’s especially important to apply this to gifting. It can be easy to go over what you had committed to give both financially and spiritually. Hear a few ideas that you can use to make gift-buying more enjoyable for you, for the recipient and even for the seller.
Remember, the only giving you need to do is the giving that feels inspired, and natural and in flow. It’s okay to release all the other expectations. Allow yourself ease and love and openness this holiday season.
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0:00:04.3 S1: Welcome to the space for magic podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach using a blend of common sense, brain science and just do dash magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
0:00:36.6 S2: Hello there. Welcome to this episode of the space for magic podcast. I’m your host, Patty Lennon, and today, I wanna talk about making magic during the holidays. So when this episode drops, we will just be on the cost of Thanksgiving here in the States, which marks the beginning of our holiday season, and I know no matter where you are in the world, you’re coming up on feeling that holiday spirit drop in. Now, a lot of times, the beginning of the holidays is marked with a focus on consumer is… They used to get on my parents last nerve that the stores started opening on Thanksgiving evening for Black Friday sales, and the overwhelming message of consumerism and buying things and giving things and over-indulgence in not a positive way can really start to permeate the season. If you don’t choose something different, so I wanna just give you some tips on how to open yourself up to the receiving energy in the world, open yourself up to the magic and honor whatever is most important to you, especially in terms of giving it. So here we talk a lot about balancing receiving with giving, but giving can really be something that’s fulfilling and exciting and that you love…
0:02:02.9 S2: I know, I love it. And so it’s important to make sure that you’re setting up the holiday so that you’re giving in a way that supports you, and also that you’re allowing other people to give to you. So I wanted to walk through the fibrous of receiving, these are rules that we’ve talked about here before, and I talk about with respect to the holidays, and also with the idea that the holidays is a time of giving, does tend to be a ton of giving, which doesn’t mean you hold back on giving, it just means you open yourself up to even more receiving. So how do you make that happen? So the first role of receiving is receive everything that means receives a good and receive the bad, and I think going into holiday is something that we can do for ourselves is to remember that not everything is gonna go the way we plan. And I think one way that we can make sure that we do receive some of the experiences that we want is to make a commitment to them. Upfront, what does that mean? Well, I realized a long time ago that when I finish the holidays when my kids were younger, I usually felt exhausted, and most of the things I thought were gonna happen, I was really looking forward to didn’t happen, or they happen with such a frenzy piece that I didn’t enjoy them.
0:03:31.6 S2: And so what I started doing, and I do this this day, is write down three memories that you want to create and really honor how you want them to play out, so especially when my kids were little, this is a lot easier now that they’re older, one thing that was important to me was that my husband and I got to spend a night together by the fire watching our favorite holiday movie, and that we did it with quiet and peace. Now, I would always go into the holiday thinking that would happen, and then inevitably when the kids would keep coming downstairs, need water, needs something, and we wouldn’t have that beautiful, peaceful, semi-romantic night that I had planted. So understanding that I wanted that to happen, I set the night up, had a time to make sure that the kids were settled earlier than usual, and I did enough to make sure that the night go the way I wanted it to. Now, that may not be the memory you’re looking to create, maybe you want to bake cookies with your friends, or you want to have a girls made out or a guys now, or whatever it is, what you’ll likely need to do is a little bit of advanced planning, to make it happen.
0:04:51.9 S2: And so just writing those three memories down, that allows you to tell the divine what’s important to you, and that makes you able to get on board, to get your mind on board with what you need to do to make it happen, but then also the define supports you… Because now here you are stating it, in addition to that, understanding not everything that you probably want to happen is gonna go the way you want it to go, and honoring upfront that the most important thing for you through the holiday season is for you to feel a certain way, maybe it’s for you to feel peaceful or magical or happy or loved, set that intention upfront, and also then surrender to whatever happens and honor, receive what’s happening and trust that is happening in your highest Invesco. And then, and I know this is a hard one. It’s a hard one for me is receive the gifts that are given to you. I receive everything that people wanna do for you, that doesn’t necessarily mean me, you need to receive every invitation and say yes to it, but certainly if there’s things that you want to do and there’s gifts being given to you, saying yes and thank you, and gratitude is the way to be in that receptivity mode, now, I find that my family always, every year ask me what I want, and I always say Nothing…
0:06:22.0 S2: Inevitably I say nothing. No, that’s an honest answer. I like being surprised. And so it’s not that I don’t love gifts, but there’s nothing in particular that I desire, and this year I decided to do it a little bit differently, and the reason I’m doing it differently, and by differently, I mean I am gonna make a list, I realized that the reason I say Nothing is because I like being surprised, but there’s a difference between being surprised and telling people nothing, and I realized this energy when two friends recently had a difficult situation happened, one broker leg and was really feeling down and another had the loss of a bad… I’ve never broken my leg and I’ve never lost a pet in my adult life, and so I was really not sure how to support these two friends, what I could do for them. Now, I made the normal offerings, can I send you a meal? What day Can I deliver it on? Is there a task that can take off your list, and by the way, both these friends don’t live close by, and both of them just kept saying No, no, no, now ultimately, I figured out something to do for each of them, and they were incredibly grateful, but I realized they’re constant saying, no, nothing really did make it hard on me to take care of them and…
0:07:54.4 S2: Now, if they had gone through something that I was familiar with, I would have had an easier time coming up with what they needed. But I was so out of my element in terms of supporting them that I really didn’t know what to do, and for my family, I realized that’s what it’s like for them at Christmas, and I will be honest, I think a little bit of me appreciates… Well, thought out gifts, it’s something that I put a lot of time and energy into. And so I really do like to receive gifts where I feel like the person thought of me and understood who I was, right. So I guess there was a method to my madness, but this series it… I’m gonna make it easier on them. Now, I’m not gonna give them a list of exactly what to get me, but I’m a big fan of Oracle cars and candles, so I put surprised me with the new Oracle card, surprised me with a new crystal or a candle. And I also gave them a list of my favorite authors, and these are authors that I’ve just found, so I haven’t read many of their books, and you know what, if they get me a book I’ve already read, I can return it.
0:09:06.1 S2: So I’ve given them some things to go on and then I gave them a list of different crystals that I would like a piece of jewelry. So now I’ve given them some contacts and now they can kind of go about their business and have an easier time shopping, and I know that that is going to make the holiday season more open spaces for all of us, because my daughter constantly pastors me right up until Christmas Eve, is there anything I want? So now she’s gonna have the freedom of knowing she’s gotten something that I definitely want, and she can also surprise me, so I know it can be hard coming up with a list of… People are asking you what you want, but just think about what is it that you most love? And you don’t have to get really specific. You know, it can just be a category of something, but at least help people give to you… One thing I started doing the last year, and this goes to the rule of receive your self Holly number two, is to make sure that you are honoring your time with yourself, so put some time aside on the calendar where you can be you alone with you maybe to read a book or to sit by a fire, or to go for a walk, whatever you need to do to really reconnect to yourself because as beautiful and magical as the holidays can be, we can lose ourselves in all the business, and now we’re on to rule number three, clear space to make space.
0:10:46.8 S2: So one thing I did last year, and this was so helpful, and maybe it was because we had more bandwidth, because we were still somewhat in the pandemic isolation energy, is we decorate it much more slowly than we have before, it’s usually a mad dash to get everything up, and I really took the time to really go through all of our decorations and decide, do we love this or do we just have it? And we cleared out a lot of decorations, and then we were able to re-gift them to someone that can use them and be happy with them, if you’re the type of person that likes to decorate, just start to notice, is it that you like a few touches around the house, or do you like your whole home to be covered, understand what you really want the space to look like, rather than just following along with maybe what you’ve done and layering on top of layering what’s been there in the past that can help you clear space to make space for magic and make space for new decorations or new ideas of ways to make your space feel more magical.
0:11:58.7 S2: Rule number four is learn your language, and this is all about being able to talk to the other side of Vail and also hear your intuition. Now, the number one thing you can do for that is to give yourself some quiet time, when we already talked about that, the other thing you can do is to set up a ceremony to really connect with your ancestors at this time. The full moon is happening on December 18th this year, very close to December 21st, which here in the northern atmosphere is the winter Equinox, and in the southern hemisphere is the summer Equinox, very powerful time to connect to our ancestors. So you can set up a ceremony between you and your loved ones that have crossed, you can keep it very simple, just giving yourself some quiet time, creating some sacred space, closing your eyes, setting an intention to connect to them and to be with them and hear what they have to tell you, now, I don’t consider myself an expert in creating ceremony Lin trade, who I’ve had here is the person I go to for that information. But one thing she’s taught me is that to create sacred space, you wanna create a border, so essentially a…
0:13:21.3 S2: Where you’re gonna step into the sacred space, and inside the sacred space, have a candle and some objects that connect you to your ancestors or any other beings, like beings that you wanna call on. Maybe you have a particular scene or goddess or god that you feel particularly aligned with, so you can bring all of that into the sacred space, and when you begin the process, you start at the outside of the threshold, take a deeper step over the threshold with the intention of stepping into sacred space, light the candle, and then at that point, Follow your intuition on what you’d like to say and what you’d like to call in, offering gratitude for your ancestors being there, offering love for the energies of the earth planet. You can put gratitude to the four directions, east, west, north and south as well, the Heaven and Earth. There’s lots of tools on creating full moon ceremonies online, and if you Google them, you’ll find them very helpful, but what I can tell you is it’s most important what’s in your heart, and so if you do feel like you’re missing a loved one, creating a crony close to the full moon, ’cause it doesn’t have to be exactly on December 18th, you could do it a day before, a day after.
0:14:48.1 S2: And taking that time to really close your eyes, connect to them and just allow them to know that you’re thinking of them and loving them, and then finally, number five, Do your 100% normal… When we talk about doing your 100%, we’re talking about, you do what you need to do to create the miracles in your life, and once you’ve done what you can do easily, you hand it off to the diet, that’s your 100%, but specifically for the holidays, I think the 100%, the place to put the 100% rule in place is in our gift thing. I love to gift, as we’ve already talked about, and I found that I could really get out of him the closer we got to the holiday that I celebrate, which is Christmas, but whichever gifting holiday maybe you celebrate, you may find yourself having bought the gifts that you said you were gonna buy and then buying extra, and it can be really easily to go over your budget, now, it doesn’t matter whether a budget is financially critical to you, a budget is about honoring. This is what I’m committing to offer. This is what I’m committing to give.
0:16:00.5 S2: This feels reasonable to me, setting that up front and then honoring it is one of the most beautiful ways that you can keep yourself from getting into that over-giving energy and keeping yourself in balance with giving and receiving, and I will say that if you are gifting physical products that you’re buying. There’s been a lot of talk about, Oh, you need to buy your stuff early because things are not gonna be available, and most of it has to do with imports, at least that’s here in the States, I would imagine in many places, so things being important are not gonna get through customs and they’re not gonna get through the ports quickly. The thing is like when you’re buying gifts, it’s the experience of buying a gift that usually fills the gift or with the most juice, so you may need to order some of your gifts online to buy the things that your loved ones are looking for, but if you can spend some time in your local business as this is a beautiful way to give a gift, not just to the person that you love, but also back to your community. Small businesses rely on our health to keep their doors open, and especially post-pandemic, they’re especially looking forward to this holiday season to help balance their balance sheet, and in case you didn’t realize that is what Black Friday is about, it was back…
0:17:34.9 S2: I don’t even know that it’s technically Black Friday anymore, but back in the day, balance sheets for retailers went from the red which means lost to the black, which means profit on the Friday after Thanksgiving, so every day, right up until the day after Thanksgiving, at least in the States, the retailers were in the red, and it was all the shopping that was done the day after Thanksgiving, because that was typically when a lot of people had off… This was when work schedules were much more constrained, a lot of people did their holiday shopping, that created the boon, and that was the first day of profit for many retailers. So that’s what the Black and Black Friday means. So in that spirit, we really wanna help our local businesses move into the Black, and certainly most of us have gotten accustomed to Black Friday sales at this point, and there’s some really great stuff you can find at your local businesses, even during this sale week. And that includes us here at Space for magic, so my team has put together a number of awesome Black Friday discount, so if you are looking for those, and we’ve got deals going actually through the holiday season, but specifically, we’ve got some pretty deep discounts going on, starting actually, today on Wednesday, that this episode drops, because I know a lot of people will take the Thanksgiving weekend off, won’t be looking at their email, so if you did wanna purchase our oracle card day, you wanted to join my membership, the journal, all of those things are…
0:19:17.7 S2: They have great discounts, they’re bundled together, if you wanna buy a whole package for yourself or if you’re your friends, just go to Patient dot com or holiday deals, and you’ll be able to see everything that’s on sale during Black Friday weekend starting today, and then also throughout the holiday season. So I wish for you is that you are able to slow down a bit, to allow in all the magic around you and remember, the only giving you need to do is the giving that feels inspired and that feels natural and feels in flow, everything else. You can just release and I promise you it will all be okay, all the expectations you believe other people have of you, just let them just fall off of you, let them just roll off your body and allow yourself to move through this holiday season with more ease and love and openness.
0:20:23.6 S1: I wish you much magic this holiday season, and much love to you today. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget. Always create space for Magic.
0:21:08.5 S2: This podcast is part of the sounded bicep in network. Sound advice, FM, women’s voices, amplifie.
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