You want the best for your children so you focus a considerable amount of time and energy on their learning and growth opportunities. And that is commendable! But how much do you focus on your own learning and growth?
Every week I talk to moms who feel like they’ve lost a piece of themselves somewhere along the way. They feel bored. They feel like they’ve lost track of where they fit in the bigger picture of the world. Maybe you feel like this right now?
I’ve been there and this is what I figured out. If you want to fast track your way out of the doldrums, invest in your own education – learn something new about yourself.
Learn something knew about the world.
You can do this no matter how limited your time or your money.
I’ll even get you started with a few ideas:
- Meditate for 10 minutes each day – Sitting quietly with yourself for a short period of time can increase your knowledge and understanding of yourself – your wants, your needs, your desires. Don’t put pressure on yourself to do it “right” just sit quietly and comfortably for 10 minutes and see what comes up.
- Review your local adult continuing education offering and see if something strikes you. We used to joke about “basket weaving 101” when we were registering for easy courses in college but when you have little ones at your feet all day, basket weaving may feel like an oasis in the sand!
- Visit and type in ANYTHING! I promise you that you will find someone explaining something about it.
- Visit and search for groups that meet about a topic you are interested in. Rock climbing, knitting, juice making? You name it and there is a meetup for it!
Oooooh I’m starting to get excited myself. What will I learn next? Hmmmmm…
What about you? Do you already have a dream pursuit in mind? Tell us about it here! And if you have a story about how learning changed your life in some way you can either share it in the comments section or email me at
I love your stories!
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