I’ve been talking a lot about signs lately. On Facebook, in my podcast and with my family.
We are all in an ascension period on this planet. What that means is that the vibration of the planet is collectively lifting, which sounds lovely I’m sure, but in reality can be really intense.
As a result, signs can really help us feel safer, less alone and guided.
I find myself enjoying an abundance of signs from my dad specifically, which because he recently crossed, is normal.
When I share stories of the signs I’m getting many people tell me they “wish” they got as many signs as I do. If that is you just know you don’t have to “want” or “wish” for signs – they are all around you.
The thing you need to be able to do in allow in the signs. To receive the guidance you are getting.
If you are waiting for a sign you will probably tell me that you are ready to receive – you are wide open in fact. The truth is we block signs all the time. Even me.
And here is how I did it recently.
My dad has been sending my family signs via “moths.” For weeks I ignored that these were signs because I judged it. A moth felt too blah to be a good sign. (I know – ridiculous! Judging one of God’s creatures.)
Then my cousins took my kids out for the day last week and on the way back sent a video of a moth hanging on to the outside rear view mirror for the entire drive home. It was funny and endearing and then out of nowhere I started crying. Because I could feel my dad’s insistence on accepting this sign.
I looked up the symbolism of the moth. The message I got is that an “old emotional pattern is being cleared.”
Which is exactly what my dad has been trying to help me with from the other side of the veil. I won’t get into too many details about what that pattern is right now (more to come!) What I will tell you is that it is an ancestral wound that was passed on to our family and we are clearing it as a collective, so of course he was sending that totem to each of us.
Here is what I want you to know. Signs are coming ALL THE TIME. I am 100% certain of it. What is not happening is your ALLOWING in the guidance 100% of the time.
Good news – you have 100% control over you allowing. YAY for the control freaks out there.
If you want help with that allowing, check out last week’s podcast where I walk you through some basic ways to shift your awareness around signs and grow your allowing in the world.
Listen to the podcast here: https://www.pattylennon.com/allow-the-signs/
May many signs follow you this week!
In love and light,
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