A few years ago, I decided to tell myself the truth about my life. I wasn’t happy. I had “everything” and yet I wasn’t happy. I was “blessed” yet I wasn’t happy. I was “successful” yet I wasn’t happy.
To claim to have everything, be blessed, be successful and yet…not experience happiness?
But that is how I felt. All the external measures of what I was “supposed to” want were there and yet something was missing.
It was me. I was missing. I was missing from my priorities, my goals and my dreams. Once I got honest with myself, my life started to change. It transformed actually. I’m not sure how obvious it was to others on the outside, but inside I was a new person.
I suddenly had clarity on what I wanted for myself and my family. And I was excited to make that happen!
On the day I admitted I wasn’t happy, I felt terrible. I thought there was something wrong with me to have so much and yet be disappointed with my lot in life.
Perhaps you are feeling that way right now.
You feel some truth about yourself niggling to get out. You are afraid to admit what your heart yearns to say. You may be afraid of what will happen if you do admit it. You may be afraid of what others may think about you if you stand in this truth.
Well, I can tell you that fear is standing between you and happiness right now. I can also tell you that rarely does this truth transform your life the way you think it will.
Admitting you are not happy with the state of your marriage does not mean you will get a divorce. Most likely admitting this will lead you to create the marriage you DO want.
Admitting you don’t like being a mom does not make you a bad mom (read my story here for more on that “truth.”) It will likely lead you straight to the relationship you want to have with your children. And, like me, you’ll probably realize you actually love being a mom. (It’s just the whole job description that comes with the title that you don’t like.)
Admitting you don’t love your job will not bring you financial ruin. It will probably open enough space for your higher self to point you to your ideal career AND help you make it happen!
Telling the truth can be scary. I know. But it is also the only way to have the life you want. Telling the truth creates an inner power that propels you forward from “not quite good enough” to “OMG – This is my life!”
I could explain why this is, but as it turns out a good friend of mine and guest expert at Mom Gets A Life, Laurie Foley, just did last week in her blog. Please check it out here: Between Truth and Power. Laurie covers this topic brilliantly!
Once you’ve read the blog stop back here and let me know what you think!
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