…And I’m dying to know what it is!
My friend Dina and her family are moving out west to Colorado. I cherish my friendship with Dina. Dina brings out the best in me. Yet as much as I care about her and will miss spending time with her, I don’t feel the pangs of grief or sadness that usually accompany a goodbye.
It feels very strange to know that a friend I love so much is leaving yet I am not able or willing to acknowledge it.
Am I in denial? I thought once or twice over these last few weeks but that just didn’t feel true.
So today when I met Dina for our last good-bye, I expected I might be greeted by some unexpected emotions. But again…nothing. I felt joy and excitement for this adventure Dina is about to undertake with her family, but no grief.
We walked and talked for two hours about everything and nothing. It was very…normal. Normal, that is, if it was a regular day and not the day I was saying good-bye to my dear friend.
When we got back to our cars I told Dina that although it didn’t make sense, I didn’t feel like I needed to say good-bye.
She told me she was surprised that she felt the same thing. She explained that she has been writing letters all week to people to tell them good-bye or share what they mean to her. Yet, for me, whom she cares so much about, she just didn’t feel compelled to write such a letter.
It felt “right” that we were on the same page with this but as I pulled away, I couldn’t shake the thought that this was very much not normal. And then I realized why…
My higher self knows something I don’t. If you’ve read this blog long enough or worked with me, you know I am a big proponent of honoring the fact that your higher self has access to information about your future that you just can’t access in the purely human form.
The “you” who is reading this can see ten feet in front of you. The higher YOU sees far, far down your path.
Your higher YOU sends you signals all day long, directing you based on what YOU see up ahead. Your higher YOU sends you direction or “speaks” to you through your body’s responses to situations and your emotions.
That is why it is so important to listen when your body and emotions are speaking to you. They are the voice of your Higher YOU.
My higher ME knows something about my relationship with Dina that I don’t. Somehow this distance between Connecticut and Colorado is not going to exist for us. Dina has joined me as an expert as Mom Gets A Life so I know we are going to be working together for some time but there is something else there.
There is something waiting for Dina and I that makes Dina’s move a non-issue in our lives. And it is not simply that we’ll talk often. I have had other friends move away and remained close but my heart still broke a little when they were leaving.
This is different. I may not be clear how that is all going to work out but my higher ME does. I’m a little jealous of that higher ME’s vision right now. I’d love to get a peek at what “I” am seeing. Since I can’t, I’m going to hang out a little in the excitement of knowing that there is a surprise waiting for me up ahead. Ooooo I know its going to be good!
How about you? What secrets is your Higher YOU keeping from you right now? Aren’t you excited to find out?
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