Do you think you suck at sales? Well have I got some good news for you, sister!!
You are probably better at sales than you realize!
I speak with women every week that want to achieve six figure sales but they just don’t know how to make it happen. The belief many hold is that they “don’t know how to sell.”
I used to think the same thing. I even had sales numbers to prove how bad I was at sales. But, then I learned something very important that shifted my perspective on sales completely.
In order to be good at sales you must understand your sales conversion rate.
A ten percent sales conversion rate is the norm for heart-centered service based entrepreneurs. This means that if you have one sale for every ten sales conversations, you are normal. You are average. You do not suck at all.
It also means that if you are going to have one sale you need to have 10 sales conversations.
This also means that if you are going to have one sale you need to have 9 sales conversations that don’t result in a sale.
Prior to understanding this, I looked at every sales conversation that didn’t result in a sale as a failure. I used it as proof that I wasn’t good at sales. I assumed that being good at sales meant having a 100% sales conversion.
It is delusional to expect a 100% sales conversion.
This may seem obvious to you but it wasn’t to me at the time. And it definitely isn’t obvious to most of my clients when we start working together.
You can imagine my relief when I found out I wasn’t bad at sales at all! I was simply delusional.
I’ve since moved my sales conversion rate from 10% to 30%, which means in my industry I’m really super duper good at sales. This also means that 7 out of every 10 sales conversations will NOT result in a sale. Seven “failed” sales conversations = awesomesauce!
How many sales conversations have you had in the last week? Two weeks? Month? Could it be that you may be VERY GOOD at sales and just not having enough sales conversations to prove it?
Would you love to learn more about how to improve sales, get more sales conversations going and learn how I moved the dial on my sales conversion rate from 10% to 30%? I’m teaching it in my 6 Figure Sales Success Training and for a limited time I’m giving it away for FREE*! You can register here:
*If you want to know more about why I’m giving it away for free I talk about that here
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