Dear Purpose Driven Entrepreneur,
Have you been feeling a little burnt out?
Pulled in 1000 directions?
Thinking about giving up?
This is not what entrepreneurship is supposed to look like for you. You know that, right?
You have created a business based purely on the desire to give your gifts fully to the world and be of service to your clients. You are a solid gold form of awesome-sauce. You deserve to make money AND be happy.
But if you are like most of my clients (and me for a really LONG time) you are probably missing either money or happiness or struggling with both.
Isn’t it crazy that those of us who are trying to do so much freaking good in the world are struggling? I bet you aren’t even trying to make millions right now. You just want to have time and money freedom so your soul can dance along as you grow your business and serve more people.
Why is it that purpose-driven entrepreneurs struggle to make the equation of success+ happiness work?
What I have found in working with many, many purpose driven entrepreneurs (not to mention my own rockypath to happiness and success) is that we ignore three critical needs. They are:
Time to Vision and Plan
When is the last time you made time for Vision and Planning? Rest? Play? You’ve probably thought often “I need to make time to plan!” But never get around to it. And you’ve likely wanted to rest and have a little fun but it felt selfish, so you didn’t.
I get it. I used to be the same way. Until I got so burnt out and depleted that I almost closed the door on my business. I didn’t. I decided to re-design my business so it served me (and my family) on the same level that it served my clients.
I carved out loads of time to Vision and Plan, Rest and Play. I fully expected that these “selfish” changes would cost me revenue but you know what happened? I made MORE money. A LOT more money over time. And you know what else happened? I actually started to like my business again.
I coach my clients to make these same shifts in their business and they’ve seen similar results.
Why is this?
Well money and time are simply energies. They are expressions of abundance. When we are vibrating at a level of abundance (which is easier to achieve when we are rested and happy), money and time are attracted to our higher level vibration of abundance.
Skeptical? Not into the whole “law of attraction” thing?
I hear you. Prior to becoming a coach I was a type A corporate banker. I never bought into all of this without looking at it critically. But here is what I also bring to this analysis. A Masters in Psych and what I can tell you is that the brain needs rest. The brain needs play. And any good CEO knows that you need time to set a vision and plan it out.
The difference is that purpose driven entrepreneurs need more of it than anyone because we give so much. You are at far greater risk to run on empty because you operate from such a non-selfish place. Please trust me when I say you NEED rest. You NEED play. You NEED time to vision and plan.
Once I convince my clients of this the next question they have is usually “Where do I find the time?” That is a great question and I have three simple scheduling tricks (dare I say “hacks”) that can give you back hours in your week without compromising the happiness of your clients or creating any risk in your business.
You can grab them here.
Look, even if you don’t believe anything I just said and want to be more efficient at your business these time hacks will help you. Long before I studied law of attraction and happiness, I ran teams of 50 people with multi million dollar budgets. Efficiency was absolutely essential to success and the reality is that the 80/20 rule applies to how we use our time. 20% creates results and the rest is mostly just wasted on nonsense. If you’d like to get back some of that wasted time grab my time hacks here :). Totes free!
Copyright: pixelsaway / 123RF Stock Photo
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