Patty takes a unique approach to understanding and learning how to have good sales conversations. This episode will change how you look and feel about selling.
Shift One – Help your customer connect to the vision of what they want. Patty shares how you can help with this shift for yourself and for your clients.
Shift Two – When you begin to “fix it” during your conversation (out of your sincere desire to help) it can prevent the desired success for you and your client. Patty explains how to recognize this issue, and what to do that’s ultimately more helpful.
Shift Three – Get comfortable receiving. This may feel counter-intuitive but it’s a shift that Patty has seen make a big impact. Learn how she recognized this in her business and how this shift has created more ease in her conversations.
To learn the step-by-step process sign up for Patty’s free training class:
5 Step Framework for Sales Calls that Convert and Serve
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