February Group Coaching Call Replays

Recap of The Hot Seat Coaching Topics That Were Covered

Mia Moran challenge is that she is getting a pretty clear message about what she is supposed to focus on in 2018 — building a network marketing biz by partnering with Juice Plus. 2017 was one flop after another, and she was resisting this product because it is not hers… she did not create it. It has changed her life! She thinks her creations can go with it. She thinks every connection she has made, every product she has created leads her to here and can be used to build this line of revenue. The thing that she knows is that she is supposed to innovate and that there is more. She sees the more too, but she is just stuck starting. She isn’t sure why. She also does not want to ditch the planner. It is awesome and goes great with this. She thinks she is stuck in overwhelm!!! 🙂
Supriya kini challenge is that she she has a couple leads on her plate and feels stuck on which one to focus on. These doors have been open and calling her since 2 years if not more:) The answer she intuitively has been getting is she loves play! Her tag line Celebrate Life comes to mind. Love unconditionally is the essence. Her gift is Connection. She loves connecting deeply with people and does it easily. So is she a teacher in that sense? A coach!? or could she just be a person who connects! Brings people together. Organizes?

Recap of The Hot Seat Coaching Topics That Were Covered

Supriya Kina challenge is that she knows that she needs to work with mothers. Women who hold within them powerful potential yet are stuck in their daily grind. From relationships to kids to managing inner beliefs of perfection, they are tired serving others and never having a chance to even ask what they need for themselves. Self love is the that opens this treasure box. She is called to do this. How does she create a product to sell this? And what does she charge? She is called to bring a speaker / facilitator of groups. Which may lead to private coaching. She is called to write a book.. but that’s phase two. What’s her next line of action now that she has clarity on her gift and ideal client?
Mary Kay Kemper challenge is how does she allow herself to slow down when it feels like there is so much to do?

Recap of The Hot Seat Coaching Topics That Were Covered

Lynn Trotta challenge is having a strong FB Ad Strategy.
Supriya Kini challenge is needing guidance on developing a signature talk that does more than sells her or her service, it turns your audience into fans and followers for life.