20 Calls in 20 Days Challenge. You’re In!
Welcome to the 20 Sales Calls in 20 Days Challenge!
I’m thrilled you chose to join us for this super-fun-can-feel-scary journey. I want to assure you I’m going to cheer you along every step of the way via livestream broadcasts on Periscope.
Over the course of the next four weeks you are going to push yourself to the edge of your own vulnerability and that is a good thing because that is exactly where success lives!
You may think sales is hard, you are not good at sales or may just be plain confused on why your business isn’t doing better with all the work you put into it.
Not to fear – this challenge will reveal all!
There is nothing you have to do to prepare to start the challenge. You just need to start. Make 20 sales calls in 20 days.
In order to support you each morning I will share tips, tricks, strategies and inspirations to keep you on track and motivated via livestream broadcasts on Periscope.
There are three ways to get these videos:
1. Watch the live broadcasts on Periscope each morning at 9am EST starting on Monday, March 28
2. Watch the recording of each broadcast, which remains available on Periscope for 24 hours
3. Catch the recording here: http://pattylennon.wpengine.com/challenge/
If you don’t know what Periscope is or how to access it you can get that information here: https://help.periscope.tv/customer/portal/articles/2016596-how-do-i-sign-up-for-a-periscope-account.
Once you have a Periscope account follow me at @PattyLennon33 and you’ll be notified when I go live with a broadcast. Broadcasts will happen each day at 9am EST starting on Monday, March 28.
During the live broadcasts you can ask me questions via the Periscope app.
If you are watching the recordings on my “challenge” page you can get answers to your questions by posting them to my Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/PattyALennon/
You do not have to be super savvy to participate. If you don’t like new apps or social media, don’t worry! You’ll still be able to get all that content at my blog just a few days after they go live.
On the first day of the challenge I will give you the rules of the road (i.e. what counts as a sales call) so watch for that! I’ll also share with you a super simple tracking sheet I use when I offer this challenge to my clients.
If you haven’t listened to the preview call you can listen here http://iTeleseminar.com/82546347 to get some background on why I’m offering the challenge and what to expect from it.
In the meantime, get excited!!!! We are about to blow the lid off your ego’s control on your business and get some serious abundance flowing in!
In love and light,